Success Psychology

Success Psychology

Success Psychology

Success Psychology is a program consisting of strategies that can be applied throughout a lifetime in all areas of life. By identifying life concerning cause-and-effect relationships; it aims to improve an individual's decision-making skills, goal-setting ability, and quality of acts. It is inevitable that individual or organizational happiness and success will increase when the quality of the decisions and actions is higher by making better choices.

Some of the Success Psychology Program Topics are;

What is Experiential Design Teaching?

Law of Action / What are the Strategies for Success?

Pleasure – Happiness

Positive Life Skills

The Game

One can believe that having a profession, owning a house, or having a family is enough for defining himself as successful. Hereby also thinks that enhanced opportunities and achieved desires will lead to happiness. Which achieved desire has ever led to permanent happiness? Or is a peaceful home guaranteed, when purchasing a house? How fulfilling is owning that career if it causes sleepless nights? So, what really means success and happiness, and how can they be reached?

Success Psychology

How Does Success Psychology Program Enrich Individuals?

By enabling an individual to read and interpret the signs from encountered experiences in life for improving the decision-making skills.

By teaching how to turn wishes into clarified decisions.

By developing an understanding of how to start taking action and what in the process requires focus so that it will lead to success.

By helping to identify the real causes of recurring problems in order to be able to solve them permanently. 

By regulating expectations about relationships with the opposite gender.

By improving stress avoidance and desire management skills.

By becoming a self-confident individual, and comprehending strategies for raising self-confident individuals.

By improving problem-solving skills and strengthening as an individual. With the gained charms of strength, becoming a preferable individual in personal and business relationships. 

By designing the consumptions in life so that it can increase the abundance of time, earnings, and relationships.

Success Psychology

How Does the Success Psychology Program Enrich an Organization?

The program helps eliminate the bottlenecks in the management process.

It ensures that the concepts of authority and responsibility are clarified and can be delegated effectively.

After this program, not only the managers, but all employees have no distractions and are solution focused. 

It improves the ability to deliver higher quality work in less time by maximizing time efficiency.

The organization can be able to encourage employees to take ownership through a successful delegation of work. This will create a foundation for teamwork consciousness.

The program describes a real master-apprentice relationship. With an apprenticeship, it will be able to train qualified employees within the organization and pass the organizational culture on from generation to generation.

Who Should Participate in the Success Psychology Program?

Anyone who seeks choice satisfaction, aims to become an individual who lives happily and makes people happy, risks breaking out of their comfort zone for stepping into a better one, and hereby has the curiosity to learn about the transition challenges. In short, anyone who strives to do justice to the life can participate in this program.


Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

It offers methods for people to have happier, more successful and better relationships.

The following programs "Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Programs contribute to achieving this goal.

All the transferred knowledge in Experiential Design Teaching consists of truthful information and is valid at all times, in all aspects, and for all mankind.


6 yorum:

  1. Everyone should ask oneself what a real success is. How you define it? When do you feel that you achieved it? This program defines whats, whys & hows of life. For one who thinks...

  2. A life changing programme. Truly eye-opening.
