How Is That Not a Goal Again?



How Is That Not a Goal Again?

The excitement she felt made her look 5 years younger. She felt more enthusiastic, alive, and stronger than ever before. "A person can achieve anything if he wants," she thought. Her steps accelerated with the energy fed by her dreams. She was advancing through the crowd coming towards her. The smile on her face was the kind that said "Everything will be different from now on"...

Suddenly, the sound of her phone woke Ece from her dream world. The message was from the management of the site where she lived. She frowned, read the message a few times to try to understand it. She was late with her site fee again, and the manager the manager was saying that the municipality fined her because she forgot to separate the recycling garbage that was supposed to be sorted on Tuesdays and Fridays.

A restlessness came over her. Her steps slowed down. Actually, they had requested it just a week ago. How did it slip out of her mind, she thought. However, she was so convinced and determined that she said to herself, "This time I will not fail, they will see, I promise!"

Then she remembered the decision she had made in the spring to visit her relatives. She started by calling an aunt and then couldn't find the rest...

At New Year's Eve, "This year will be different!" She wrote down the names she would visit one by one in the agenda she bought, but she thought about the other targets she had written there.

She was going to learn English this year... 
After 3 years of waiting to be organized, she was going to get her kitchen in order...
If she read 10 pages of the books she wanted to read every day, they would be finished in 6 months... 
She was to drink 2 liters of water a day... 
She would pay more attention to her husband, concentrate on his needs…

New Year Goals

With the sudden fatigue that fell on her, she sat on a bench she found empty. She was looking at the phone in her hand, reading the site manager's messages over and over again with completely different thoughts in her mind... She sighed deeply. Where had she made a mistake? Why couldn't she stick to the goals she had set?

There is no stasis in life. Human beings were created to move, develop and transform.

A baby's growth, gaining new skills, walking while crawling, starting to transfer while perceiving... It is the reality of man; to live to be better, stronger, more successful, and happier than yesterday. That's why every person needs goals in order to progress in his life and reach the next level. The existence of a goal makes a person's life meaningful. A person's life is like a ship whose route has been determined and which moves forward with its captain at the helm. The goal carries that life to new ports, to geographies that have never been seen before, whose benefits and pleasure have not yet been discovered.

And as in every journey, one encounters obstacles along the way. In order to reach the targeted destination, one must keep one's eyes on the direction and route, and move forward by reacting correctly to every obstacle, difficulty, and test of sincerity.

So can every person achieve this?

There are those people who…

can concentrate on their goals…
do not deviate from their goals despite obstacles and difficulties...
can motivate themselves…
do not give up easily…
know well what they do and why...

Just as;
like a person who decides to lose weight goes out and runs even if it rains...
like a salesperson going door to door without succumbing to the heat of the scorching sun...
like a brave parent trying to raise responsible children in an era when all kinds of harmful habits have become normal...

People who have meaningful goals in life and who, nourished by those goals, progress by untying the knots, take root, sprout, bloom and bear fruit...

And there are such people too, who…

have desires instead of goals...
have had trouble with weight for years,
cannot acquire the habit of working regularly in their job,
procrastinate while trying to get a high score in the university exam,
can't take his eyes off the TV series while wanting his child to listen to his words,
only care about his own needs while complaining about his wife's indifference...
have desires and behaviors that are inconsistent with each other…
always stay on the road while dreaming of getting somewhere...

New decisions made, new paths taken on every New Year's Eve, every spring, every birthday, every Monday... And ambitions that were left unfinished because they could not face the obstacles and difficulties that the road required... People who give up more easily and give up more quickly each time...

So what to do? Is it possible to set the right goals and increase our patience, determination and strength on the way to the destination in order to live life happier and more successfully?

Could the secret be in asking the right questions first?

Have I correctly determined the steps I need to follow to reach the goal?
What will I gain if I achieve my goal, and what will I lose if I cannot achieve it?
What is the benefit of my goal to me and those around me?
What obstacles and challenges might I encounter?
What reactions should I give in pressured times?
What are my strengths and my weaknesses?
How to increase the motivation, patience, and the resistance to pressure?
Should I talk about my goal or stay silent?
Will I have more difficulty at the beginning, middle or end of the journey?
From whose lives can I transfer experience on this subject? Who can I consult?

As a person begins to ask the right questions and renews his intention and clarifies why he does what he does, he begins to walk stronger in that process, take his steps more firmly, and become more permanent.

Dry branches blooom

Then the belief that one can succeed gradually increases.

Dry branches are starting to turn green, bloom and bear fruit.

I wish you to be one of those who make their lives meaningful with their goals and who always bear fruit...


Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

It offers methods for people to have happier, more successful and better relationships.

The following programs "Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Programs contribute to achieving this goal.

All the transferred knowledge in Experiential Design Teaching consists of truthful information and is valid at all times, in all aspects, and for all mankind.


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