The Exam is Over. And Now?


Exam is over

The Exam is Over. And Now?

Our examination process starts right after we learn to read and write. First a good secondary school, then high school and finally the university, which will be the school of the profession we intend to have in the future... We gradually get used to this process. First we push ourselves for the middle school exams. Then come the high school exams. The most difficult one must be the university entrance exam. Anxiety starts even before the last year of high school. We start school early by cutting summer holidays. The next year is like athletes running to the target... The whole agenda is now the exam. Chatting with friends for hours, enjoying a film to the fullest or going somewhere with the people at home are things that will rarely happen. Even having a coffee with your favorite friends is now very difficult. Now the closest person is the math teacher and the favorite activity is the meal after a good exam. Occasionally bored, overwhelmed, wondering how it will be this year, whether it should be left for next year... 

And finally that day comes. Friends, cousins, relatives call, even neighbor Aunt Melahat comes home and says she prayed. Without realizing it, the tension increases. Finally, you enter the door with your ID and exam entry form... And, ta ta ta! Now it's time for the final, which has been dreamed of for months. You know, the time called "when you get out of that exam."

"I'll meet my friends after the exam."

"When I get out of the exam, I'm going to ride my bike outside."

"I'll go to the cinema right after the exam"...

This is the moment. You immediately feel like going somewhere. Places to drink coffee, films that have just been released, sightseeing, spending time outside, the day turns into evening. There is a different excitement. The idea that "I can do anything now"...

I can do anything

In the morning...

When you wake up in the morning and open your eyes, you feel a small emptiness. It is as if there is something that should be there, but it is missing. Yes, yes! Someone who has accustomed himself to studying so much wants to study again. Test books that have not yet been taken out of the room are in front of the eyes and even a test is solved without being noticed. Why is this emptiness experienced? Or what is the cause of this restlessness?

Because when people strive for something, the dream of what they want to achieve motivates them. And at the end of the exam, people think that they will be happy because they will be free from these endeavors and will never approach the test book again. However, happiness is not like that. Some people look for happiness after the exam, some people look for happiness in momentary pleasures, some people look for happiness in their relationships, some people look for happiness in the house, car and opportunities they will have. However, happiness is not an emotion that will be experienced suddenly, that will blow people up, that will make you feel the same thing all the time.

Can a person be happy when he/she does the work he/she has to do, when he/she gets sick and recovers, or when he/she calls a friend who has not called for a long time? Yes. In fact, the happiness, peace and calmness experienced by the examinee was what she/he felt because she/he had paid the price without thinking about the outcome.

Yes, she/he had experienced the post-exam expectations she/he had dreamt of, she/he had spent a few days with some activities. 'Well, what will happen after the exam now, what to do' she/he had never thought...

Nothing in life stands still. Everything is in motion. Human beings also keep up with this. He gets up in the morning and moves until he goes to bed at night. Some people move less and some people move more.
In this never-ending flurry of activity…
What is man's goal?
And what does one actually want to achieve?

rain wants to reach soil

Everything in life tries to reach somewhere. Birds want to reach food, streams want to reach the sea, and rain wants to reach the soil. Just like a student wants to get a good result in the exam and reach the university.

Life is not only about school exams. There can be many goals such as a good career, speaking a foreign language well, a good marriage, having children, doing a good trade, making money.

And everything serves a purpose.

Well, the exam is over...

What about now?


Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

It offers methods for people to have happier, more successful and better relationships.

The following programs "Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Programs contribute to achieving this goal.

All the transferred knowledge in Experiential Design Teaching consists of truthful information and is valid at all times, in all aspects, and for all mankind.


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