Stress-Free Life


stress-free life

Stress-Free Life

When he got home, he just threw his bag aside and went to his room. Mother had noticed. She quietly followed him to his room.

We, human beings, want to lead a happy and successful life. We dream of a comfortable, peaceful and serene life, away from tension and arguments. While setting goals and making decisions, no one wants to enter tunnels where they cannot see the light at the end. But we can sometimes make mistakes:

Sometimes when choosing the final destination to reach…

Sometimes when determining the route… 

Sometimes when taking breaks on the way... 

And there are times in our life when we feel unhappy and unsuccessful. Our emotions become active and our anxieties and fears arise... While we want a quiet life, we find ourselves in many stressful processes...

Just like Işıl, who was reading her newspaper that morning and stumbled upon an article titled "10 Formulas for Coping with Stress". "Take that vacation you've been putting off for so long," the author advised. "Go to the hairdresser and try a new cut and hair color... Buy small gifts to pamper yourself... Eat chocolate..." the list went on. A sour smile appeared on Işıl's face. 

"Could eating chocolate really be the formula for this stress I can't get rid of? Haven't I gained 10 kilos in the last year because of the chocolates I ate due to stress?"

She couldn't go on vacation because of her busy work schedule, nor was her salary enough for the high hairdresser expenses.

"And what's the big deal? I'll buy little gifts to spoil myself..."

Sighing, she folded the newspaper and put it back. 

"I'd better make a cup of tea," she said and got up.

Human beings are the only creatures in nature who live a stressful life... 

No bird stays awake at night with the stress of finding its sustenance the next morning... No lion rages and lashes out with the ambition of being the strongest in the jungle... No plant withers with stress, thinking, "Will I be short in stature, will my fruit be tasteless?" Every living thing in nature leads a balanced life, as it should. From the slowest to the fastest, from the most docile to the most ferocious, every living creature lives according to the software given to it, without going to extremes.

living thing in nature

Only human beings can go too far when aiming to be happy and successful. While aiming to live life serenely, it may become extreme. Some people become excessive in production, some others in consumption... But every disturbed balance invites increased feelings of stress, anxiety, tension and restlessness. It accumulates and the last drops are called outbursts of anger. Relationships are damaged, business is disrupted, and health is lost... Instead of living a life like a flower, it turns into dried soil.

For example, a man in business... As his desire to win and rise increases, the amount of stress he experiences gradually increases, due to the rise of the dollar, the whims of the customer, and the success of the rival brand.

Or when a woman, wanting to be happy with her husband, goes overboard, she loses justice in her perception and becomes violent in her transmission. Feistiness, complaints, grumbling... Reproachful sentences ending with "Whatever I say, I say for our own good!"... Homes that are a source of stress when they want peace in the family... 

While a mother's child is the apple of a mother's eye, there are times when it becomes the source of hopeless, tired feelings because she cannot control it, because she cannot direct its behavior... 

Some children start sowing the seeds of stress from a very young age, anxious to get their parents' approval, worried that a 3-hour exam will determine their future, when they should only be concentrating on the costs of building their lives... 

Sometimes people put off their goals, the work they need to do, getting rid of damaging habits... 

When a person desires the hills with the most beautiful views while exhibiting behaviors that lead to going downhill, his life becomes unlivable due to stress.

The Experiential Design Teaching says: "When you begin to manage your desires, you begin to manage your stress." 

Is it possible to have a lifestyle that will prevent stress from occurring instead of trying to reduce it?

What is the key to a stress-free, serene, vibrant and motivated life? 

Wanting only what is within one's control, only what is within one's authority and responsibility...

Setting goals on their own behavior, decisions and reactions... 

That the goals set are not mountainous and unattainable, but small…

When you make a decision, don't put it off and take action immediately... It's like a mother saying, "When you peel the fruit, eat it right away, otherwise the vitamins will run out!" 

And in order to move forward towards a goal, isn't it enough to reduce stress by step by step moving away from all kinds of useless consumption that set us back?

small goals

Life is just a period of time with a definite beginning and end, a time that has come and a time that is sure to pass... 

We wish to live the time given to us in a peaceful, calm and happy way, away from stress, under the management of the right concerns...


Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

It offers methods for people to have happier, more successful and better relationships.

The following programs "Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Programs contribute to achieving this goal.

All the transferred knowledge in Experiential Design Teaching consists of truthful information and is valid at all times, in all aspects, and for all mankind.


7 yorum:

  1. "What is the key to a stress-free, serene, vibrant and motivated life?"

    Hoping not to lose that key...

  2. Thank you very much for this marvelous article. It's essential to address what we need before considering what we want. However, this concept might be subject to questioning or debate.

  3. “ When you make a decision, don't put it off and take action immediately... It's like a mother saying, "When you peel the fruit, eat it right away, otherwise the vitamins will run out!"
    Good anagoly.

  4. Thanks for the beautiful writing ✍🏽😊

  5. Mutlu Ökegil02 Ocak, 2024 10:36

    We wish to live the time given to us in a peaceful, calm and happy way, away from stress, under the management of the right concerns...🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  6. Trafik çilesi bitmez. Trafiği veya yaşadığımız şehri değiştiremiyorsak ve bu durumu kabullenirsek o zaman artık bizim için stres olmaktan çıkar mı dersiniz?

  7. Thank you for the information you provided...
