Who is Who

WHO is WHO? 

Experiential Design Teaching

Happiness and unhappiness in life depends on the quality of relationships with others. The emotional state and the direction of decision-making determine the established personal relationships. Therefore, knowledge of self and others is crucial for relationship building.

Experiential Design Teaching states that:One can only excel in a matter by mastering in the truth about it”. 

Relationships play a crucial role in our lives. By understanding who people really are, how they react in a situation, their needs, and wishes, and determining a communication style accordingly will empower the communication.

People prefer to be in relationships with people who are similar to them. People who think the same way, who share their needs and make similar decisions... But facing differences is what improves us. If you do not recognize and manage differences in relationships, you will not know your own proficiency. You can only master communication skills by being open to different perspectives, accepting guidance and being able to give direction to others.

Everyone has a different style of perceiving and transferring information. One can focus on images, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches… Some concentrate on the benefit & harm balance while others concentrate on the balance of pleasure & pain… Variation in characteristics does not mean that one is better or worse than the other. Characteristics like these determine the communication style. Life expects us to bring all these characteristics in balance. You can optimize your personal set of characteristics by developing the ones that you lack. This will help you to become a more balanced individual. The “Who is Who?” program will help you to master the Art of Knowing people with truthful information that is valid at all times. 

Who is Who

The Who is Who program consists of a 12-hour curriculum. Which consists of;

What is Experiential Design Teaching?

Is there really a way of knowing people?

What Differences are there in the way people perceive and transfer information?

What are Mental Styles?

How Does the Chemistry of the Brain Work?

What are Trait, Character, and Personality?

Further details on these subjects and strategies about how to distinguish differences are presented during the program.

The participants of ‘Who is Who?’ Program will gain hands-on knowledge, which will lead to improved self-awareness. 

Who am I?

What do I want?

What are my real needs?

What are my weaknesses?

What are my strengths?

Where do I have behavioral excesses?

How can I reach balance?

Participants will start to find answers to many more questions…

As you get to understand people;

The wishes and needs of others can be correctly identified.

Perception will not be based on misconceptions but on truthful facts.

The transferred information will be premised on needs, not on wishes.

It will lead to communication that's more consciousness-based with less ego activation.

Setting the right expectations in relationships based on the differences will be possible.

Problems arising from differences can be solved before they turn into unsolvable issues.

Who is Who

One who;

Knows the truth of actions, understands the truth.

Knows the truth about people, understands the truth of communication.

Knows the truth of communication, understands the truth of relationships.

Knows the truth of relationships, understands the truth of life.

A life built on truth; leads to fewer misconceptions, more foresight, and achieving peace of mind.

As a partner, a parent, a child, a friend, an employee, or a manager, this program, will provide relationship awareness for every stage of life. The program is taught by trainers of Experiential Design Teaching. For detailed information, you can visit the website


Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

It offers methods for people to have happier, more successful and better relationships.

The following programs "Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Programs contribute to achieving this goal.

All the transferred knowledge in Experiential Design Teaching consists of truthful information and is valid at all times, in all aspects, and for all mankind.


5 yorum:

  1. I am happy to take the course. Realized how less do I know about people... Thank you

  2. Thank you 🤍

  3. One of the most important points that affects me, who is who seminars is the answer to why I always dislike some certain behaviors and why I am surrounded by those people whose behavior I do not like, why they always end up around know the reasons and solutions is a rare find...
