What Can a Slice of Bread With Jam Change?

What Can a Slice of Bread With Jam Change?

Humans have deeply embedded expectations in life…

Waits for a special encounter in life, in hope for happiness… 

With the right person,

With a great opportunity,

Keeps waiting for a good offer...

Just like in the movies...

What if at that very moment he runs into someone who will be the love of his life...

And what if just at that moment a successful businessman overhears and supports his innovative idea…

What if also just then he sees a job vacancy that could open important doors for him…

At that very moment…

Is timing really that important?

So, could this perfect timing be a coincidence?

Is anyone luckier?

Or can who or what we encounter only be the result of all our choices?

So, how could we encounter the best option?

How can we be exactly where we should be, at the right time?

What if he had left the house that morning without having another slice of bread with jam…

What could change in that time of eating a slice of bread with jam?

What if, his child hadn't lingered over at the door while putting on her shoes...

What if he wasn’t held up on the phone by his mother...

What if he hadn't missed the subway at the last moment...

Or what if he wasn’t caught by a red light at the last second...

What would change in one's life?

Not much, what would have changed if he had left the house just a minute earlier?

The pedestrians encountered on the sidewalk,

The car in front of him that got him mad because it was going slow,

The cat climbing up a tree going after a bird,

The greeted people, 

The questions asked while working…

Which would be the same?

In fact, in every moment of life, there is a new stage design...

Even in a second, all the events and people encountered can change…

Although they look similar, the created scenes are never the same... 

Every detail encountered is designed specifically for "that person" and "that moment"...

And the best option is for those who immediately act after setting a goal…

Man knows, that in order to achieve his wishes it is crucial to take action without postponing.

The success achieved in a university exam is related to the preparation months before the exam, rather than the exam day,

It is possible to complete a project without haste and with high quality, by starting to work immediately after the project is assigned,

After the diagnosis of a disease, treatment should be started as soon as possible...

Losing weight, depends on keeping away from the fruit tart. And there is no need to wait until Monday for starting a diet.

One may still want to delay taking action even if he knows the right response…

He knows that it is right to clean up the kitchen as soon as he finishes dinner. But he still can think, "Later, let me first have my tea".

He knows that doing his homework as soon as he gets home from school is a better option. But he still can be able to think, "Let the movie end, I still have two more days."

Or he knows that he must get up from the cozy bed that hugs him with tenderness while he is sleepy. But he still can take the risk of delay and say to the alarm “snooze for 5 minutes…

However, five minutes later, the waiting options may not be the same...

The whole scene changes when one delays the act.

The events and people he will encounter are different now…

Perhaps the best option is long gone...

Who knows?

Could that moment of encounter, which is expected with great hopes, never come?

Is it possible that delaying life causes moving away from the hoped results?

Who gets the desired result?

Those who dream and delay acting?

Or those who decide and act immediately?

The right person, offer, and opportunity doesn't cross your path because you wait patiently

Life demands action.


Without delay…

Right now…


Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

It offers methods for people to have happier, more successful and better relationships.

"Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Programs contribute to this goal.

All the information described in the Experiential Design Teaching is true information and is valid for all times, all subjects and all people.


4 yorum:

  1. Don’t delay, just act. Well said

  2. When we postpone we wont know what would happen at that passed moment. After the decision made acting is really vital. If not people would never know what the real chances were.. And the outer world will be quilty for the things going wrong...

  3. Well written, this article reminds me of the hadeeth of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
    "Don't postpone today's work to tomorrow"

  4. Beautifully written :) We learn that action must be taken immediately upon a decision. Delay is never the answer when a decision has been made, because as the author described: “Five minutes later, the waiting options may not be the same…”
