The Meaning Of Life

The Meaning Of Life

The Meaning Of Life

If you suddenly would find yourself on a journey…

What would you wonder first?

Would you like to know… 

where you came from,

where you should go to,

why you are on this path,

who are the people that accompany you,

how to get where you need to go?

On that path…

How would you spend your time?

What would you enjoy the most?

How much weight would you like to carry with you? 

Would you prefer a journey with a lot of baggage?

Or would you only choose the essentials?

What would make your journey comfortable…

A car with heated seats?

A map to help you find your way?

On the road…

What would lighten your burden?

What would you like to learn?

What would worry you?

Or what would comfort you?

The Meaning Of Life

At the end of that journey…

Whatever happened…

What would make you feel grateful?

What would make you happy?

What would make you feel profitable?

What would make you feel more valuable?

Which experience would make the road and the journey meaningful for you?

In the Journey of life…


raising children,

a business,

a career,

an economic status,









must mean something...

The Meaning Of Life

If it has a meaning, it is worth…






getting tired,


Those who realize the meaning of life are concerned but hopeful about living the life truthfully…

They value their life…

And search for the methods and truths of living the life rightly and beautifully…

So, what is the meaning of life for you? 

What is your meaning in life?


Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

It offers methods for people to have happier, more successful and better relationships.

"Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Programs contribute to this goal.

All the information described in the Experiential Design Teaching is true information and is valid for all times, all subjects and all people.


8 yorum:

  1. Çok teşekkürler. İyi bir yaşam için gerçeğe, doğru stratejilere ihtiyacımız var. Gerçeğe her yaklaştığımızda Hayatımızın gerçek anlamına da ulaşırız umarım. Ümidimiz hiç bitmesin.🌸

  2. What is the meaning of life for me? What will happen? How it will happen? I Just need a break to think about all of these and decide what is it? Human usually forget their purposes while daily chaos… but is it possible a life without à chaos?

  3. Meaningful questions.

  4. What a beautiful and important detail, how we spend our time and how much consciousness we give to the question of what is the meaning of life..

    Thank you, it's a great article.💐

  5. Esengül Çakır26 Kasım, 2022 22:27

    "There is only one thing in life that will never be discovered: Better..." Always impressed by this sentence whenever I read or hear... Thanks for reminding:)
