


Have you ever seen a flower with leaves on one side?

A branch that gives off its leaves on one side.

Or a tree with branches only on one side?

Have you ever seen a car with wheels on one side?

Or a truck with its loads set aside?

Is there a table with legs in one direction?

What if there were?

Of course, it couldn't stand, it would fall over...

Everything is getting into a shape that balances itself.

Everything is getting into a form ready to move on.

And that's always the case for anything...

If one branch of the tree is moved too far to the right, it also pulls out a branch in the opposite direction. This prevents it from tipping over.

A flower produces leaves in all directions so that its leaves do not fall. Only then it can move on with life.

In order for the car to move, it must have wheels on both sides.

The legs of the table should be in the number and direction to carry it…

Wherever one looks, 

everything turns into a state of self-balancing. 

And this is because if there is nothing in the opposite direction, there will be no balance. Without balance, nothing can keep going.

So is the human being…  As long as he focuses his own wishes, he turns into a tree with a branch only on one side. He gets about to be overturned, then it becomes overturned. "Let me always talk, let them always listen to me, I will manage everything..." As you always say "I", the weight increases to one side. At some point, those roots will be unable to bear the load and the tree will fall.

All living creatures know how to balance themselves. So, why can't people achieve this balance?

Experiential Design Teaching says that “A person who is not in balance cannot have balanced relationships.” 


A person who pays too much attention to a subject in his life, becomes excessive on that one subject and that means neglecting other subjects. When he gets busy with his work more than necessary; when his time, energy, mind and body are always related to that job, when he does not spare time for his family and loved ones from working, a branch of the tree is very loaded. 

On the other hand, it is as if it has not given any branches. Therefore, its roots will not be able to carry that tree.

For someone who cares too much about his friends and spends all his time with them; if there is no branch of work and production in addition to chatting, traveling, consuming together, that tree will soon fall.

How does a person fall? When a person disrupts the production-consumption balance, cannot set the right boundaries between work and family, and cannot keep the consistency in his relations, he falls over with unhappiness because the balance is very bad.

“My soul wanted it, but my soul didn't want that”

“But I don't like it at all. I'm depressed, I'm so bored, let's go."

“Well, what does the other person think, what does he want? Why you are never interested in what he wants? Have you ever imagined yourself in a relationship where you don't have wishes? Well, if it were you, how long would you keep it up? Then why would other person keep it up.

A person should ask this question to himself regarding his desires in order to stay in balance.

One has to balance his life in order to stand up and keep up standing. As soon as one takes a step, the second foot comes next to the first one in order not to fall over. When one of the branches extends too far to one side, it is necessary to start a movement on the opposite side and create new branches. This is a condition for moving on in life.


When the agenda about business life increases, one should be able to add a branch from the family to his life. When family-related agendas increase, a production branch should be launched, for example. A branch of movement should be added when weight increases, a branch of production when consumption increases, a branch of listening when he talks a lot... A branch that has the opposite benefit should be added to every issue where intensity increases, so that it keeps people in balance and on the road.

So, should all branches be equal to each other? 


One of the branches will necessarily be larger. The issue here is which branch will be larger.

Staying awake more than sleeping, moving more than stopping, listening more than talking, meeting the needs of others while meeting their own needs... It is necessary to take care of others’ wishes as well as their own. If a person always has a branch that becomes heavy with his own wishes, it becomes dangerous and harmful to fall.

No living creature in life has a one-sided branch in any process. That is not possible…

Since everything in life is related to everything

In order for a person to establish a correct relationship, he must first bring himself into balance. Because if there is balance in something, there is life.


Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

It offers methods for people to have happier, more successful and better relationships.

"Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Programs contribute to this goal.

All the information described in the Experiential Design Teaching is true information and is valid for all times, all subjects and all people.


13 yorum:

  1. Everything in life is related without everything and every person is connected to another… But how?

    Thanks for this beautiful article! 🌸🌱

  2. Thankss 😇👍

  3. No balance no life. Thanks for sharing with us. Congratulations

  4. Without balance, nothing can go on.
    It makes the process more comfortable and more beautiful in life and communication.

    It is a very meaningful article, thank you.💐

  5. Thanks for sharing such an important thing. I really appreciate your consideration and hard works.

  6. if there is balance in something, there is life..

  7. Balance is the most important law of this life. Full comfort when fitted

  8. Wherever one looks, everything turns into a state of self-balancing.
    Thanks for this article ✅

  9. Thank you very much! Great and so useful article. 🌸
