One Should Have a Style


One Should Have a Style...

The way one...

Sits and stands,




Must have a style…


Billions of people living on Earth… 

For those billions of people, the sun rises and sets every day… 

Day after day... 

And billions of lives whose days are running out fast... 

So how do those lives pass by? In what style do the days run out?


One must have a style;

In his/her…






Entertainment and



What kind of a “son" was I?

  • Would I want to have a son like me? 
  • Have I been someone putting the family together or someone breaking the relations?
  • Have I attempted not to hurt people supporting me in my childhood and youth? 
  • Would I call myself "a good son"? 


What kind of a “partner " was I?

  • Is the thing that binds us together just a signature or a common purpose?
  • Could I take the load of my fellow friend, whom I look in the same direction?
  • While trying to meet the needs of my family, did I try to present what I did in the best possible way?
  • Did I turn my back at the first challenge, or did I know how to be supportive?


What kind of a “mother” and “father” was I?

  • Have I just tried to raise or educate my child? 
  • Can my child make the right choices in my absence? 
  • Have I been focused on being a heroic parent…
  • Or has my child become an individual who can meet his/her own needs by taking me as an example? 


What kind of " brother " would they call me? 

  • Could I be there for my brother in his good days and bad days? 
  • Did I manage to console and congratulate them at the right time? 
  • Was I happy with their happiness and sad with their sadness?
  • Did I give them the confidence to consult me when they needed it? 
  • How well did I know them? Likes, dislikes, weaknesses and strengths? 


Who knows what kind of a “neighbor” I became?

  • Could I share a bowl of food with my neighbors? 
  • Have I ever worried about someone's problems? 
  • For example, when my neighbor goes to bed hungry, did it cause me to stay awake?  
  • Have I tried to get in touch with people? 
  • Did I have fun at their wedding, did I cry at their funeral? 
  • Have I wondered needs of people living in my neighborhood as well as people living next door?


For example, what is my style while doing a job?

  • Can I work with the same enthusiasm at the beginning and at the very end? 
  • Can I maintain my diligence in the openings and in the closings as well? 
  • Can I focus on my causes, independent of the outcomes? 
  • Am I comfortable with the reasons I have put forth? 
  • Can I do my job with the same care when no one is watching, as if everyone was watching me?
  • Is it always in my mind that the quality of the details constitutes the actual quality? 
  • How do I act when I need something and no longer need it?


What is my style when I suffer from injustice

  • Can I stay calm? 
  • Is what I all care about being right, or can I see my own shortcomings? 


In this life, there is hunger and satiety... There is scarcity and abundance...  

So how did I live? 

  • Was I focused on my unnecessary expenses and the things I avoided during the period of abundance?
  • Was I focused on what I did and on my earnings during the period of scarcity? 
  • Was I still able to share when I didn’t have a lot? 
  • Has my gratitude in the time of abundance continued in the time of scarcity?


How was my style while meeting others’ needs?

·       Was I just focused on doing the right things? 

  • Could I keep smiling even when I had difficulties? 
  • Did I meet others’ needs in detail? 
  • Could I model the life, for example? Could I present the beauties presented to me to those around me? 


One must have a style while living this life...

How have I spent my life? 

  • Have I realized that a life consists of only one day?
  • Have I just tried to live, or have I tried to react correctly? 
  • Have I become one of those who become a burden on others or one of those who take others’ burden?
  • Does a smile appear on lips when my name passes? 


So what was my style?

How would you like to be remembered? 


“Every ending designs a new beginning.” Says Experiential Design Teaching…

When I come to an end in this life, what kind of a beginning would I want my style in my story to design? 

Hoping to become one of those who have a lifestyle deserving the best beginnings…


Experiential Design Teaching is a knowledge community that produces strategies for designing our future based on past experiences.

It offers methods for people to have happier, more successful and better relationships.

"Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationships" and "Success Psychology" Programs contribute to this goal.

All the information described in the Experiential Design Teaching is true information and is valid for all times, all subjects and all people.


6 yorum:

  1. A writing which makes me questioning my habits.. And made me feel to step a feet and start a change :)

  2. Need to think about all those. What kind of person am I?
    Am I good?
    And to whom?

    My pleasure to read
    Thanks 🌺

  3. Its great. Thank u so much 🙏

  4. Esengül Çakır13 Aralık, 2022 21:03

    It's been a good reminder for all of us. Thank you :)

  5. Quite thought provoking and very well written

  6. We need to have a style ….thank you
